Kaart der Noordelyke Yszee : volgens de waarnemingen van vroegere Nederlandsche zeelieden / [getekend door] R. van Wijk
1828|Dordrecht : J. de Vos
Generalnaja karta vsej Rossijskoj imperii
1866|Rakint1:19 700 000
A Gazetteeer of the World, or, Dictionary of geographical knowledge ... Edited by a member of the Royal Geographical Society. Illustrated with ... woodcuts and one hundred and twenty engravings on steel
1856|A. Fullarton
Carta delle Terre polari Artiche
1853|Miniscalchi-Erizzo, Francesco1:11 800 000
Chart of the World on Mercators Projection With Lines of Equal Magnetic Declination
1867|Justus Perthes1:3 000 000
Das Russische Reich nach seinen ethnographischen Verhältnissen