Carte générale des Terres Arctiques comprenant les découvertes faites depuis le départ de Franklin en 1845
1860|Malte-Brun, V. A.
Den sidste Franklin-Expedition med “Fox,” Capt. McClintock
1860|PETERSEN, Carl Naturalist
A Gazetteeer of the World, or, Dictionary of geographical knowledge ... Edited by a member of the Royal Geographical Society. Illustrated with ... woodcuts and one hundred and twenty engravings on steel
1856|A. Fullarton
Carta delle Terre polari Artiche
1853|Miniscalchi-Erizzo, Francesco1:11 800 000
Sheet 3 Erdkarte in Mercators Projection
1856|Ohmann, Carl Ludwig1:30 800 000
Geological map of the world: 2. Eastern North America
1875|Ziegler, Jakob Melchior1:23 000 000
Chart of the World on Mercators Projection With Lines of Equal Magnetic Declination