Reize naar de Oost- en Westkust van Zuid-Amerika en van daar naar de Sandwichs- en Philippijnsche Eilanden, China enz. gedaan, in de jaren 1826, 1827, 1828, en 1829. [With plates.]
1835|BOELEN, Jacobus Schout-bij-Nacht Titulair
Hawaiian Group or Sandwich Islands.
1841|United States Exploring Expedition
History of the Hawaiian or Sandwich Islands ..., from the earliest traditionary period to the present time
1843|JARVES, James Jackson.
No. 3. Carte de l'Amérique Septentrionale
1834|Vandermaelen, Philippe Marie, 1795-18691:15 000 000
1854|Stieler, Adolf
Ost-Polynesien. (Eastern Polynesia).
1849|Berghaus, H.1:20 000 000
On the discovery of the Mississippi, and on the South-Western, Oregon, and North-Western Boundary of the United States. With a translation from the original M.S. of Memoirs ... relating to the discovery of the Mississippi, by R. Cavelier de la Salle, and the Chevalier H. de Fonty