The Westover Manuscripts: containing the History of the Dividing Line betwixt Virginia and North Carolina; a Journey to the Land of Eden, A.D. 1733; and a Progress to the Mines. Written from 1728 to 1736, and now first published
1841|Byrd, William
Engineers Office Milit Div. of the Gulf. Map No. 6 of Central Virginia - 1864
1865|Chief of Engineers1:350 000
A Chronological History of the Civil War in America, illustrated with A. I. Johnson's and I. H. Colton's Steelplate Maps and Plans of the Southern States and Harbors
1863|FISHER, Richard Swainson.
A Chronological History of the Civil War in America, illustrated with A. I. Johnson's and I. H. Colton's Steelplate Maps and Plans of the Southern States and Harbors
1863|FISHER, Richard Swainson.
Virginia, Maryland & Delware.
1856|Black, Adam & Charles1:3 200 000
Pocket Map, showing the probable Theatre of the War. Compiled by G.A. Aschbach
Caroline du Nord.
1825|Buchon, J. A. C.; Carey, H. C.; Lea, I.1:1 650 000