British Somaliland - Ethiopia Boundary Commission 1932.' 'Field Traverse Sheets. Scale 1/125,000' - War Office ledger
Portrays hydrology, relief by form lines and spot heights, roads and tracks, telegraph lines, settlements, wells and water holes, place names, boundary points and survey stations, and includes topographical notes. The War Office ledger lists sheets 1 to 29, except sheet 8; however sheets 2, 3, 7, 9, 12, 13 and 17 were not present on transfer.Some sheets also bear the signatures of Corporal R. Griffiths R.E., Corporal J.B. Marshall R.E. and Sapper S.L. Terry R.E.'This sheet [21] is blank but is to be kept in case it may be used to plot work later on.' - War Office ledger
Depicted date
From 1932 to 1935
Griffiths, Richard, d 1935, military surveyor, Surveyor. Marshall, J B, fl 1932-1935, military surveyor, Surveyor. Terry, S L, fl 1932-1935, military surveyor, Surveyor.