Old Maps Online Logo – Explore Historical MapsOld Maps Online Logo – Explore Historical Maps


Free One Day Conference: Locating the Past (London, 29th Feb 2012)

Pubblicato: 17 gennaio 2012

The UK launch of the new "Old Maps Online" web site will occur during this year's Gerald Aylmer Seminar, sponsored by the UK National  Archives, the Royal Historical Society and the Institute of Historical  Research. This year the seminar is specifically focused on historical GIS and the event will also include an  introduction to the field of historical GIS by Dr Humphrey Southall, Project Director of the currently funded JISC Old Maps Online project, who has been part of the seminar organising committee.

It is being held at the Chancellors' Hall, University of London Senate House, on Wednesday 29th February.
ATTENDANCE IS FREE BUT NUMBERS ARE LIMITED so please contact Ruth Roberts at the National Archives for an invitation.

9:30am ­ 9:50am: Coffee and registration

9:50am ­ 10:00am: Welcome by Colin Jones (Royal Historical Society)

10:00am ­ 10:30am: Introduction by Humphrey Southall (GBH GIS/Portsmouth), providing an overview of the field.

10:30am ­ 11:45pm: Panel 1: SOURCES:
Three 15 minute presentations reviewing some of the sources available in developing historical geographic information systems, followed by an open discussion:

Kimberley Kowal (British Library)
Dominic Fontana (Portsmouth University)
Andrew Hudson-Smith (CASA/UCL, Tales of Things: Electronic Memory project)

11:45am ­ 12:00pm: New approaches and technologies at The National Archives by David Thomas

12:00pm ­ 12:45pm: LUNCH

Three 15 minute presentations considering relevant research questions and applications, followed by an open discussion:

Ian Gregory (Liverpool University)
Richard Coates (University of the West of England)
Nigel Walford (Kingston University).

2:00pm ­ 3:15pm: Panel 3: AUDIENCES AND ENGAGEMENT:
Three 15 minute presentations on achieving wider public impact, followed by an open discussion:

Caroline Kimbell (The National Archives)
Bruce Gittings (Edinburgh University)
Nick Stanhope (HistoryPin).

3:15pm ­ 3:45pm: TEA BREAK

3:45pm ­ 4:45pm: Keynote speech: Place and the politics of the past by Tim Hitchcock (University of Hertfordshire)

4:45pm ­ 5:00pm: Closing comments

Remember, attendance is free but numbers are limited so you MUST contact the National Archives for an invitation.

More about Chancellors Hall