Plan des Gefechtsfeldes von Gitschin den 29ten Juni 1866
1867|Leithold, von1:25 000
Plan des Gefechtsfeldes von Gitschin den 29ten Juni 1866
1866|Leithold, von1:25 000
The Campaign of 1866 in Germany. Compiled by the Department of Military History of the Prussian Staff. Translated into English by Colonel von Wright ... and ... H. M. Hozier ... Prepared at the Topographical and Statistical Department of the War Office
1872|HOZIER, Henry Montague.
II. vojenské mapování 9
18711:144 000
Umgebung v. Jungbunzlau
1830|Marco Berra
Übersichts-Karte der neu projectirten Trautenau-Jičín-Backofner-Eisenbahn