Africa propria degli antichi, Numidia, Mauritania cesariense
1860|[Marzolla, B.]1:6 000 000
Impero di Marocco.
1848|Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge (Great Britain)1:2 900 000
Afrique Propre.
1829|Lapie, M. (Pierre), 1779-18501:3 800 000
Orbis terrarum antiquus.cum thesauro topographico, continente indices tabularum geographicarum topographicos, eosdemque criticos
1818|Reichard, Christian Gottlieb
A Voyage to Barbary, for the Redemption of Captives; performed, in 1720, by the Mathurin-Trinitarian Fathers, Fran, Comelin, Philemon de la Motte, and Jos. Bernard. Now first Englished [by J. Morgan] from the French original [of P. de La Motte]. With lists of ... slaves ransomed ... from Mequeniz: also very exact draughts of that place, Alcasar, Oran, and its neighbourhood, with maps, etc