Vancouver Island and British Columbia. Their history, resources, and prospects. [With maps and illustrations.]
1865|Macfie, Matthew.
Map of Oregon, Washington, Idaho & Montana.
1874|Mitchell, Samuel Augustus Jr.1:4 470 000
Philip’s Map of British Columbia and Vancouver Island
Oregon, our right and title. Containing an account of the condition of the Oregon territory, its soil, climate and geographical position; together with a statement of the claims of Russia, Spain, Great Britain and the United States: accompanied with a map, prepared by the author
1846|ROBERTSON, Wyndham Junior
Oregon and Washington Territory.
1869|Colton, G.W.1:3 000 000
Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana, British Columbia.
1874|Colton, G.W.1:3 000 000
The Oregon Question examined, in respect to facts, and the law of nations